Scripture for Life: Laying on of hands for healing occurs numerous times in the New Testament. Interpretations associate this gesture with the transfer of power for physical and spiritual wholeness. In light of quantum physics, this is better understood as the transference of energy.
We are, it seems, not asking the right questions, argues Sr. Joan Chittister. Which means that we will therefore be without the answers we need to save the entire country.
Trusting the energy of the adventure, I encountered the Holy Spirit "renewing the face of the Earth," teaching us how to live sustainably with the billions of years of development found in soil, sea and stars.
Scripture for Life: The liturgy for the Vigil of Pentecost invites us into hope. Unlike the miracle of the tongues we will hear the next day, this is an invitation to dream.
Scripture for Life: The feast of the Ascension commissions Christ's followers through all ages, reminding us that Christ's mission continues through us and that the grace to accomplish it remains ever available to us.
Scripture for Life: We've heard the call to love one another, perhaps too frequently. But Christ's love is what the readings of the Sixth Sunday of Easter call forth from us and this call is likely to make us uncomfortable.
Scripture for Life: The Sundays of Easter celebrate the resurrection and the union with God that Christ always offers — with or without our knowing it.
Everyone who met Bishop Gumbleton left with an understanding that the world was his congregation and you were simply lucky to have found your way to the center of it.
Sr. Christine Schenk wanted to pay her respects to Bishop Thomas Gumbleton. She found a personal and heartfelt memorial service at the motherhouse of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters in Monroe, Michigan.